As long as there is a sea in mind, Maldives is everywhere.

Summer, sea, bikiniā€¦. COVID19 makes people hesitate in 2020, trying to find things to do at home with family friends for the past week has beenā€¦ challenging.

Although I am very willing to stay at home, I also recognize that we are all being affected by this pandemic right now. And frankly, Iā€™m losing my mind a bit. I figured it would be obtuse of me to not mention it.

So, in an effort to use this incredible community Iā€™ve built, Iā€™m breaking out of my normal posts all about closed to bring you a list of activities for quarantine.

I hope they help to pass the time.Happy timeļ¼


The things are a hit with kids. I recently picked up a pack of 420 balloons and my daughter and her friends had a water balloon fight in our backyard. It was epic. You simply screw a balloon ā€œbunchā€ to the nozzle of a hose , turn on the water, and watch a multitude of fully formed water balloons drop into a bucket. It’s freakin’ magic (and okay, physics.)

How to fill up a water balloon now: Buy one of these crazy contraptions. Watch hundreds of balloons fill up and tie themselves before your eyes. Never understand your parentsā€™ pain.